Thursday, July 15, 2010

File Maker Server Advanced v11.0.2.217

FileMaker Server Advanced v11.0.2.217 | 189 MB

FileMaker Server is a fast, reliable and manageable server software for groups of users FileMaker Pro, which allows secure way to share databases over a network or through the web.
Simply install FileMaker Server on the designated computer and upload it to your decision FileMaker Pro. Installation and setup takes less than 20 minutes. You can safely manage databases from any location, schedule backup in real time, as well as server availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you need features Instant Web Publishing or need to share FileMaker data with other applications via ODBC / JDBC, or is required to connect to large groups of users of FileMaker Pro, consider using software FileMaker Server 1910 Advanced.

FileMaker Advanced includes all the features of the product FileMaker Server 10 and additionally provides the possibility of instant publishing on the network connection through ODBC / JDBC and a greater number of possible connections to FileMaker Pro. Regardless of the data used in the network or on the Web site, FileMaker Server Advanced 1910 provides maximum usage and database connectivity simple and safe way.

In comparison with FileMaker Server, FileMaker Server Advanced only provides the following additional features shared use:

NEW! Higher number of concurrent users
If you want to connect large groups of users of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server 1910 only supports up to 999 Advanced FileMaker Pro users simultaneously - 4 times greater than FileMaker Server 10.

Share with a larger number of users using Instant Web Publishing
Use the Instant Web Publishing for easy publishing of databases and data access via the web site to large groups of users. You can safely provide access to any information with just a few mouse clicks. You can publish sites registration, feedback forms from customers, service requests, research, and much more. Tool Instant Web Publishing does not require for special hardware or software and supports the widely used Web browsers.

Support for data sharing through FileMaker Pro ODBC / JDBC
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) makes it possible to read and write to databases, FileMaker Pro, hosted on FileMaker Server 1910 Advanced, with a lot of external programs and development tools. Get up to 50 simultaneous remote connections ODBC / JDBC. Connections can be established by programs running on a local server and remote clients.

Access to data managed by FileMaker, easily performed using software that is compatible with ODBC / JDBC.
Data from FileMaker can be passed to a Web application built using standard Web development tools, such as Ruby on Rails, javascript, or Microsoft. NET Framework.
Data from FileMaker integrates with custom applications built on leading platforms such as Oracle, SAP or Microsoft SQL.

How did FileMaker Pro get to be the world's leading easy-to-use database software? For one simple reason - it helps anyone with any type of task get things done faster. And it doesn't matter if you're a Mac or Windows user - you can create and share database applications with each other through a network, over the web, or in popular formats such as PDF. Millions of people just like you rely on FileMaker Pro every day to effortlessly manage and share their information. 10 FileMaker Pro Advanced includes all the features of FileMaker Pro in 1910 plus a suite of advanced development and customization tools. Design and develop more powerful and more customized database applications today with FileMaker Pro 1910 Advanced!

»Add text or calculations to fields or other objects that display when you mouse over them
»Visually format fields and objects based on conditions you decide
»Display information from live websites based on data in your database
»Group related scripts for faster access
»Automatically create an email with a hyperlink that when clicked on, opens your database
»Control how objects resize and move when the window size changes
»Fill in field content automatically based on previous entries or Value Lists
»E-mail the contents of virtually any field, including images, documents, Excel files, and more
»Create Adobe ® PDF files directly from FileMaker Database
»Combine multiple reports into one PDF for easier distribution
»Create Microsoft Excel spreadsheets from your FileMaker data in a single click
»Build a layout with multiple tabs in a single step
»Automatically underlines misspelled words and allows you to edit and correct on the fly

"Adding text and calculations in the field or other objects that appear when you hover
"Visual formatting fields and objects based on your environment
"Display of information from websites based on the data in your database
"Grouping of similar scripts for quick access
"Automatic creation of e-mail with a hyperlink, which when clicked will open your database
"Fields are automatically on the basis of previous records
"Create PDF documents directly from the FileMaker database
"Combining several reports into one PDF file for convenient distribution
"Creating an Excel spreadsheet from your FileMaker data with just one click
"Creating a template with multiple tabs (tabs) in one step
"Automatically underline the words written with an error (check spelling)

OS: WinAll
Language: English

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