Saturday, November 22, 2008

You Want Lots Of Music, Appz, Anything?, Try Dex Hunting

You Want Lots Of Music, Appz, Anything?, Try Dex Hunting

So what's this Dex Hunting, anyway?

See: lots of people post files of any kind on their websites to share them with friends. Those files are "protected" by not mentioning them. There's no visible link given, and for literally hundreds of thousands this seems to be enough.

What they don't know: There are many nice techniques to locate the invisible stuff.

I don't want to get in too deep - and as I'm rather new here it's possible some of the tricks might have been posted elsewhere.

But if you want to find lots of music the way I described it - and want other people doing the "dirty" work I recommend:

A free message board - gathering place of the best "dex hunters" in the universe. There you will find loads of *fresh* (!) mp3 links. Not only this - they update with lightspeed. This is a site you won't visit once a month or once a week. I visit them hourly, and I know why.

Remember: as soon as a fresh dex is posted there, it will be invaded and can die within hours. But I swear there will be enough left for your needs.

Wanna try it for yourself?

Try this one. It's a search bot, and instead typing complicated data strings for Dex Hunting just type what you're looking for, and the bot does the rest for you. Sounds nice, huh?

not very sexy at first sight - but very effective.

Hope you'll like it!

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